2020 Annual Park Improvement Projects

In Fiscal Year 2020, $165,000 was budgeted for major park maintenance and small renovation or enhancement projects. Projects were submitted for approval in the Capital Improvement Program, as part of the budget process. Any unused fund balance is reserved for potential grant matches, other unanticipated projects that may require mid-year funding, or rolled over to the next fiscal year for future projects. The projects below were chosen as 2020 annual park improvement projects. Details on each individual project follow.

Funding Fiscal Year: 2020
Project Number: 00056
Project Budget: $165,000
Funding Source: Park Sales Tax
Projects Funded
Project Number Project Name Amount Funded by 2020 Annual Parks
RS095 ARC Facility Improvements $46,000
00737 Albert-Oakland Park Improvements $35,000
00735 Cosmo Park Tennis Court Improvements $40,000
00773 Indoor Facility Improvements $24,000
00742 Memorial/Heritage Bench Replacement $20,000

ARC facility improvements

Funding Fiscal Year: 2020
Project Number: RS095
Project Budget: $46,508
Funding Source: $46,000 Park Sales Tax
$508 Lighting Incentive Rebate*
Year Completed: 2020
  • Mid-year appropriation

Description: The project will include replacement of the aquatic facility heater, replacement of two fan assemblies in the hvac system for the natatorium and replacement of the fire alarm control panel and communicator.

Media Inquiries: Tammy Miller, Marketing Specialist, 573.874.7465opens phone dialer, Tammy.Miller@CoMo.gov

Albert-Oakland Park improvements

Funding Fiscal Year: 2020
Project Number: 00737
Project Budget: $35,000
Funding Source: Annual Parks – Park Sales Tax
Year Completed:  

Project Description:
The project will include the conversion of existing parking lot lighting to LED lighting fixtures and the replacement of five pieces of fitness equipment located along the park trail.

Media Inquiries: Tammy Miller, Marketing Specialist, 573.874.7465opens phone dialer, Tammy.Miller@CoMo.gov

Cosmo Park Tennis Court improvements

Funding Fiscal Year: 2020
Project Number: 00735
Project Budget: $54,000
Funding Source: $40,000 – Annual Parks – Park Sales Tax
$14,000 – USTA Grant*
Year Completed:  2020

*Mid-year appropriation. Parks and Recreation applied for and received a $14,000 reimburseable USTA Grant, saving $14,000 in Park Sales Tax (PST).  The PST funds saved will be transferred to another project.

Project Description: Project will include resurfacing four tennis courts (north side of the tennis complex) at Columbia Cosmopolitan Recreation Area.  Planned work will include asphalt crack repair, painting and installation of lines for tennis.

Media Inquiries: Tammy Miller, Marketing Specialist, 573.874.7465opens phone dialer, Tammy.Miller@CoMo.gov

Project Notes: It was determined by the Legal Dept. that this project did not need to go through the  Administrative Public Improvement process, as it is a maintenance item.

Indoor Facility improvements

Funding Fiscal Year: 2020
Project Number: 00773
Project Budget: $26,325
Funding Source: $24,000 Annual Parks – Park Sales Tax
$2,325 Lighting Incentive Rebate*
Year Completed: 2020
  • Mid-year appropriation

Project Description: Facility improvements at the Armory Sports and Recreation Center and Riechmann Pavilion at Stephens Lake Park. Improvements will include LED lighting conversion at the Armory and HVAC, flooring and restroom renovations at Riechmann Pavilion. 

Media Inquiries: Tammy Miller, Marketing Specialist, 573.874.7465opens phone dialer, Tammy.Miller@CoMo.gov

Memorial/Heritage bench replacement

Funding Fiscal Year: 2020
Project Number: 00742
Project Budget: $20,000
Funding Source: Annual Parks – Park Sales Tax
Year Complete:  

Project Description: The project will replace 18 to 22 existing wooden memorial/heritage benches located on city trails with recycled plastic benches including new zinc plaques.

Media Inquiries: Tammy Miller, Marketing Specialist, 573.874.7465opens phone dialer, Tammy.Miller@CoMo.gov

Project Status: Procurement of the benches is underway.