Citizens Police Review Board Bylaws

Bylaws adopted 04/14/2021; amended 10/11/2023; amended 04/11/2024.

Bylaws and procedures of the Citizens Police Review Board of the City of Columbia, Missouri

The Citizens Police Review Board (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”) shall seek to fulfill the purpose and goals established by the City Council for the Board in Chapter 21, Article III of the City Code.

Consistent with the express understanding of the Mayor, the City Council, the City of Columbia Police Department and the people of the City of Columbia, the Board shall serve as an independent, autonomous body concerned with the welfare of all the citizens of and visitors to the City of Columbia. In furtherance of the mission given to the Board by the City Council, the Board shall promote and enhance a relationship of mutual respect, understanding and trust between the people of the City and the members of the City of Columbia Police Department.

Article I - Membership

Section 1. Attendance at board meetings; removal for excessive absences

The qualification of members of the Board, the removal of members and the filling of vacancies on the Board shall be governed by Chapter 21, Article III of the City Code.

Upon the unexcused absence of any member of the Board from three consecutive regular monthly meetings of the Board, or upon the unexcused absence of any member from six or more regular monthly meetings of the Board during any 12-month period, the Board may, by a two-thirds vote of the entire Board, recommend to the City Council that it remove such member for cause.

Section 2. Resignations from the board

Any member of the Board seeking to resign from it shall submit his or her resignation in writing to the City Clerk for presentation to the City Council.  The member shall also provide notice of his or her resignation to the Chair of the Board and the staff liaison.

Section 3. Election of chair and vice-chair; new member orientation

  1. The Board shall elect a chair and vice-chair every year, for one-year terms, during the Board’s November meeting. If the chair or vice-chair should resign from their position prior to the end of their term, a successor shall serve the remainder of that term. 
  2. Within thirty days following the appointment of a new member, the Board Chair and Vice Chair shall meet with the new member(s) to review all pertinent City ordinances and governing laws.  A new member packet will be presented which will consist of the following:  prior two years’ agenda and minutes; Citizen Police Oversight Committee Report; City Attorney’s Memorandum on the Sunshine Law; City Ordinance No. 0203331; appropriate City of Columbia Police Department Internal Affairs policies, NACOLE information; and any other material deemed appropriate.  As soon as practical, the new Board member will participate in a ride-along with a City of Columbia Police Department officer and any other pertinent training.            

Section 4.  Ride-alongs

Section 21-48 of the City Code requires board members to complete ride-alongs with police officers.  Board members shall complete the ride-alongs required by Section 21-48 of the Code and shall report the completion to the Chair and the staff liaison in writing.  The report shall specify the date of the ride-along, the time started and the time completed.  It is recommended that board members’ total cumulative ride-alongs equate to the length of time of a police officer’s standard shift.

Article II – Duties of board members

Section 1. Confidentiality of privileged information

Members of the Board shall maintain the confidentiality of all confidential or privileged information received in the course of their service on the Board, in accordance with the provisions of State and local law. 

Section 2.  Ex parte communications

Except as expressly authorized by the Chair or the Board in the furtherance of members’ duties, members of the Board shall make diligent efforts to avoid ex parte discussion of any matter that is or may come before the Board with any person interested in such matter. A member who has had an unauthorized communication concerning an agenda item outside of a public meeting with an interested party, including but not limited to a complainant and an officer of the City of Columbia Police Department, a witness to the events giving rise to such complaint, any person representing or purporting to represent the interests of any such person, or a relative of any such complainant, officer or employee of the City of Columbia Police Department or witness, shall promptly notify the Chair of the contact, and furnish to the Chair the name of such interested party, the nature of the interest and the specifics of the communication, including copies of any correspondence with such party and a written synopsis of any portion of the communication that was verbal.

Section 3. Conflicts of interest; member recusal

Members who believe they have a conflict of interest on a matter about to come before the Board shall state the reason for the conflict of the interest, and shall not participate in the discussion of the matter or in any vote on the matter.

 Article III – Official statements of the board

Section 1.  Official statements of the board

Only the Chair or the Chair’s designee shall make official statements for the Board.  Nothing herein shall be deemed to prohibit a member from expressing individual opinions or perspectives.

Article IV - Conduct of business

Section 1.  Review of appeals

The Board shall deliberate on appeals as of the date received, the earliest date being the deciding factor.

Section 2.  Advisory opinions of the board prohibited

Neither the Board nor any member shall render any advisory opinion to any person or persons with respect to the preparation of a citizen complaint or appeal or to any officer of the City of Columbia Police Department who is the subject of or who may become the subject of a complaint investigation or an appeal.

Section 3.  Investigators

At the request of the Board, police investigators or officers directly involved in the case at issue may be requested to answer questions or present additional information.  The Board may invite representatives of governmental agencies or the City of Columbia Police Department to present information to the Board.  Additionally, the Board may invite other individuals, including witnesses to appear before the Board to answer questions relating to the appeal.  Whenever an individual Board member is approached by the public (citizens or entity representative) asking to address the Board, the Board member shall refer that person to the Board Chair.

Section 4.  Board member review

Board members will be responsible for reviewing the investigative file(s) prior to the first meeting on any appeal.  Board members shall not seek or agree to interview or obtain information from anyone outside the official proceedings of Board activities – this includes any complainants, witnesses, or individual officers who are part of the appeal under review, or citizens within the community. 

Section 5. Public comment allowed

Time shall be made available for open public comment at all regular monthly meetings of the Board.   The Chair may establish a reasonable time limit for public comment based upon the scope of the agenda established for the particular meeting. The Chair shall announce the time limit for public comment. The Chair, or the Board, upon motion approved by a majority of its members, may extend the time period for a period as specified in the motion.  Public comment shall be limited to matters which directly involve the City of Columbia Police Department and the responsibilities of the Board.

Section 6. Role of Staff Liaisons

As needed by the Board, liaisons appointed by City Manager, the Police Chief and the City Counselor may attend closed sessions of the Board to answer questions about laws, policies and procedures in their areas of expertise. During such sessions they will not be advocates for any person or course of action.

Article V – Amendments

Section 1.  Bylaw amendments 

These Bylaws and Procedures may be amended only at a regular monthly meeting of the Board, provided that written notice of the proposed amendment is given to each Board member at least two weeks prior to such meeting.  Should any Board member be absent, the Chair is responsible for ensuring that the Board member receives a copy of the proposed amendment.  Any member of the Board may submit a proposed bylaw or procedure amendment in complete written form at any regular monthly meeting.  Action upon the proposed amendment shall be deferred until the next regular monthly meeting.

In no case shall any adopted bylaw or procedure be applicable to any appeal commenced prior to adoption of such amendment.