Contemplation Forces

Artist: Lampo Leong

Year: 2011

Materials: acrylic and mixed media on canvas

Poster size: 20″ x 16″

Location:  Columbia City Hall, interior, second floor, main elevator lobby, 701 E Broadway, Columbia, MO

Contemplation Forces

About the art

Visitors to the second floor of city hall, which houses the offices of the mayor, city council and city manager, are greeted by three mixed media paintings in the lobby areas. Columbia artist Lampo Leong has layered cursive Chinese calligraphy and aerial photography in his works to emphasize the forces of nature. The incorporation of language, landscape photography and images from outer space are intended to communicate the transient nature of time in a contemporary society. Leong’s work is the first in a series of commissions to mid-Missouri artists for Percent for Art projects in the new city hall.

View the video about the creation of Contemplation Forces below.

Percent for Art: Contemplation Forces from Office of Cultural Affairs on Vimeo.