OCTOBER 6, 1997

    The City Council of the City of Columbia, Missouri, met for a regular meeting at 7:10 p.m., on Monday, October 6, 1997, in the Council Chamber of the City of Columbia, Missouri.  The roll was taken with the following results: Council Members  KRUSE, COFFMAN, HINDMAN, COBLE, JANKU, and CAMPBELL were present.  Member CROCKETT was absent.  The City Manager, City Counselor, City Clerk, and various Department Heads were also present.
    Mayor Hindman noted that this was the first regular meeting Mrs. Crockett has missed since her election.  He expressed the Council's best wishes for a speedy recovery.
    Mr. Campbell reported that Mrs. Crockett had asked him to extend to the public a very heartfelt thank you for all of the prayers, love, and the blood donations in her behalf.

    Ms. Coble explained that she had received a call from a North Central Neighborhood member asking for a clarification to be entered into the minutes of September 15, 1997, regarding a discussion about the funding for the Neighborhood Association's markers.  She said there had been a statement made by Mr. Kruse which clarified that while the Council was approving a lower budget item from what had been requested for the project, it was truly supported by the Council and they would look toward phasing it in incrementally over time.  Mayor Hindman remarked that these were Mr. Kruse's comments which the Council did not adopt as policy.
    Ms. Coble made the motion that the September 15, 1997, minutes be amended to reflect the above comment.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Janku and approved unanimously by voice vote.
    The minutes of the regular meeting of September 15, 1997, as amended, as well as the minutes of the special meeting of September 22, 1997, were approved unanimously by voice vote on a motion made by Ms. Coble and a second by Mr. Kruse.

    Mayor Hindman noted that Bills 292-97 and 293-97 would be added under New Business for introduction.
    The agenda, as amended, including the Consent Agenda, was approved unanimously by voice vote on a motion made by Mr. Janku and a second by Mr. Campbell.

1.     Presentation of Columbia Housing Authority's Annual Report.
    Doris Chiles, Executive Director of the Columbia Housing Authority, explained that she and Marvin Kinney, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, will present the highlights of the annual report.  She noted that this report is available to anyone by request.
    Ms. Chiles reported that the Housing Authority was the largest landlord in Columbia, with an inventory of over 700 public housing units which included the Blind Boone Community Center, the Bear Creek Recreation Center, and a renovated maintenance warehouse.  The Housing Authority also administers a Section 8 rental assistance program which assists approximately 675 very low income families.  Between the two programs, the Authority makes a significant contribution to the local economy -- contributing approximately $4 million annually.
    Ms. Chiles explained the Housing Authority had recently been selected by the Missouri State Finance Agency, MHDC, to administer a new rental assistance program funded by the State Housing Trust Fund, in partnership with the Missouri Department of Mental Health.  She said this program would provide rental assistance to approximately 65 very, very low income individuals (those at 25% of the median income) who currently receive some type of case management with the Department of Mental Health.  Ms. Chiles explained that another program, Hope Six, had been funded in the Fall of 1996.  She said these were programs primarily used in very large cities; however, the Columbia Housing Authority had requested and received approval for some work to be performed at the Bear Creek site to revitalize the area.  She said a contract had recently been approved for the demolition of 12 buildings located around the horseshoe area off of Elleta Boulevard.  The demolished buildings would be replaced with two parking areas, two playground areas, open park space, and a community garden space.  Ms. Chiles said other work and initiatives have been undertaken at the Bear Creek site, and more are planned, to transform the area into a viable and safe neighborhood for its residents.
    Ms. Chiles noted that outlined in the report were a number of initiatives the Housing Authority has undertaken and are working on to assist residents in the transition from welfare to work.  Ms. Chiles thanked the City staff for their help and efforts.

2.     Recognition of National Honors Awarded to the Columbia Channel.
    Mayor Hindman explained that the City of Columbia had received an impressive set of awards from the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors.  Connie Kacprowicz, Station Manager, introduced members of the staff and summarized the awards received.  She said first place awards were given to Beth Pike for her videos on the Public Works Volunteer Program and the Mayor's Race Relations Task Force.  Steve Hudnell was responsible for the Fresh Water Treatment video, a second place winner.  Scott Keaster and Don Cizek were responsible for the graphic production contained in the videos.  Mayor Hindman distributed the awards.  The staff had also been awarded first place for City Notes -- a magazine format show.

1.     Therese Folsom - Solid Waste, Blue Bag System.
    Therese Folsom, 111 N. Greenwood, spoke on behalf of the Citizens for a Sustainable Resource Use.  She stated solid waste issues had not been forgotten in the community, and this group was interested in knowing when those issues would make it to the top of the Council's priority list.  Ms. Folsom said that participation in curbside recycling was decreasing, and she was concerned about the possibility of the City deciding to discontinue curbside pick-up in favor of citizens utilizing various drop-off locations around town.  In the State of the City Address presented in June of this year, one of the solid waste priorities was to begin construction to expand the landfill.  Ms. Folsom said the City would not need to have a landfill expansion if recycling was made a priority.  She suggested increasing participation in recycling in the private, multi-unit housing, business, and construction sectors of the community.  A strategy to implement along with increased recycling involvement was the "pay as you throw" rate structure system.  Ms. Folsom said it would work best if all areas participated.
    Mayor Hindman explained that Council work sessions were being scheduled and Ms. Folsom would be notified about the date regarding solid waste issues.
    Mr. Janku did not recall the Council ever discussing the discontinuation of curbside recycling.  Mr. Beck did not recall the staff discussing it either.

B258-97     Calling for bids for construction of Cell No. 2 in Area 4 of the sanitary landfill.
    The bill was given second reading by the Clerk.
    Mr. Beck explained that the City operates a sanitary landfill in northeast Columbia with a life expectancy, at the current rate of filling, of about 75 years.  He said the 400 acre tract has been divided into areas, and then each area into cells.  He noted that the staff had been working with a consultant to meet all requirements and had developed plans for construction of a cell in an 8.5 acre area.  The estimated cost for construction is $1.9 million, and would be paid from the solid waste utility fund.  Mr. Beck said tax money would not be utilized.  In addition, the approximate disposal capacity of the cell would be reached in the year 2002.
    Mayor Hindman opened the public hearing.
    There being no comments, Mayor Hindman closed the public hearing.
    B258-97 was given third reading with the vote recorded as follows:  VOTING YES:  KRUSE, COFFMAN, HINDMAN, COBLE, JANKU, CAMPBELL.  VOTING NO:  NO ONE.   ABSENT:  CROCKETT.  Bill declared enacted, reading as follows:

B261-97     Rezoning from A-1 to PUD-6 property on the south side of St. Charles Road east of
                    Dorado Drive.
    The bill was given second reading by the Clerk.
    Mr. Beck explained that this approximate 7 1/2 acre tract is located on the south side of St. Charles Road.  The rezoning had been recommended for approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission on a 6-3 vote, with the restriction that the free standing sign height would be limited to six feet.
    Mr. Janku noted that sidewalks are not proposed at the present time because of the unimproved street.  He asked if there had been any discussions about requiring contributions to future improvements.  Mr. Janku noted that in the past, the Council had requested that payments be set aside for items like traffic lights.  Mr. Hancock said the Planning Department was not suggesting any contributions to a sidewalk fund relative to this PUD.
    Mayor Hindman opened the public hearing.
    Nate Cole, 1080 State Route Y, Harrisburg, explained he was a consultant speaking on behalf of Pat McMurry, the owner and developer of the Terebinths.
    Mayor Hindman asked about the creek to the rear of the property.  Mr. Cole explained that the housing units are divided into three sections, and the creek flows between the units.  Mayor Hindman asked how close the units are to the creek.  Mr. Cole said the closest place was about 20 to 25 feet.  He said the creek will be left as is.
    Mayor Hindman closed the public hearing.
    B261-97 was given third reading with the vote recorded as follows:  VOTING YES:  KRUSE, COFFMAN, HINDMAN, COBLE, JANKU, CAMPBELL.  VOTING NO:  NO ONE.  ABSENT:  CROCKETT.  Bill declared enacted, reading as follows:

B262-97     Rezoning from R-1 and R-2 and C-P property on the east side of Ballenger Lane north of
                    Clark Lane.
    The bill was given second reading by the Clerk.
    Mr. Beck explained that this 18.8 acre tract is located in northeast Columbia.  He said the applicant had requested that 5.3 acres be rezoned from R-1 to R-2, and approximately 18 acres be rezoned from R-1 to C-P.  He commented that the request had been recommended for denial by the Planning and Zoning Commission as they felt the C-P area was too large.  Since that time, Mr. Beck explained that a letter had been received amending the request by reducing the C-P area to 8.2 acres, and deleting the R-2 request entirely.  Mr. Beck said the City Counselor had prepared an amendment sheet for Council consideration.
    Mr. Janku asked about the possibility of extending Ballenger Lane over I-70 to the south, and what would occur at this location in terms of widening or any improvements.  Mr. Hancock explained that the plan was conceptual at this point and it was included in the Major Thoroughfare Plan.  In December, the State, in conjunction with the City, will be conducting a major investment study to examine the possible extension of 740 and the intersection of I-70 and 63, and the circulation transportation needs in this area.  Mr. Hancock reported it had been decided, and the Council agreed, to put a "place holder" in the plan to show a road crossing over I-70 at this location just in case it becomes an alignment.  He said the plan allows for right-of-way acquisition, using Ballenger Place to line up with a preferred location the state identified for a potential crossing should it ever occur.
    In terms of crossing over I-70, Mr. Janku asked if any on and off ramps had been anticipated.  Mr. Hancock said the plan does not show any ramps at this time.  He said a roadway is shown in the plan for right-of-way purposes and, more importantly, to prevent development from occurring within the path of the potential crossing should this be the preferred alignment for improvements in the area.  He said all of these issues will be studied by the traffic engineers during public hearings.  Mr. Hancock was hopeful the process would begin in December.  Mr. Janku asked what was anticipated for Clark Lane.  Mr. Hancock explained that Clark Lane serves as an arterial street and, as such, there are not any plans to improve it at this point.
    Mayor Hindman opened the public hearing.
    Tom Schneider, an attorney with offices at 11 N. 7th Street, spoke on behalf of the applicant.  He explained that the proposed amendments were intended to address the Planning and Zoning Commission's primary concerns.  He said the R-2 proposal had been deleted in its entirety.  Mr. Schneider said the proposed C-P zoning would be buffered with the owner's property, not with neighboring land.  He felt R-2 was a better buffer for commercial zoning, but the point is that neighboring land would not be used as a buffer.  The scaled-down 8.2 acres of proposed C-P zoning drops steadily to the east so it is topographically buffered from both Thessalia and Meadowlands.
    Mr. Schneider reported he and his client felt there was a need for more commercial property in northeast Columbia, other than the existing strip commercial food establishments located along Clark Lane.  Mr. Schneider said there is currently 12 plus acres of planned commercial at the intersection, so this rezoning request would increase it to approximately 20 acres of commercial.  He pointed out that the Columbia Mall is 70 acres, and Crossroads Shopping Center is 9 1/2 acres.  By today's standards, Mr. Schneider felt Crossroads was a very cramped development.  With 20 acres, a much nicer commercial development could be planned.
    Mr. Schneider reported this is a pro-active request and if the zoning was delayed by five years, the area would be built up.  If this area is to be set aside for commercial zoning, now is the time to make the decision.  Mr. Schneider said there was only one neighbor close enough to the proposed development to really have a legitimate concern.  He acknowledged residents are concerned about having to drive by a commercial development on their way to another subdivision, but Mr. Schneider did not feel this to be a very weighty concern.  He noted the area in green on the map was to be donated to the City as greenbelt.
    Mr. Schneider stated as this request is a planned commercial proposal, the Council will maintain the ability to govern all of the details concerning development such as screening, site clearances, drainage, traffic circulation, etc.  Every use being proposed exists in some form at one of the commercial facilities in Columbia.
    Regarding the amended C-P uses, Mr. Janku said he could understand the neighbors having concerns about some of them.  Mr. Schneider did not think it would be a problem to limit some uses if there was an objection from the neighbors.
    Mr. Janku asked how much land could be taken from the original zoning with the widening of Ballenger and Clark Lane.  Mr. Schneider said he did not know, but suspected it would have some impact on the usable area of what is now the 12 acres of C-P at that corner.  By withdrawing the other application, Mr. Janku asked if the owner was, in effect, leaving the R-1 in place for the long-term.  Mr. Schneider said that was correct, however, there is an area immediately above what is shown as A-1 containing a 1 1/2 acre tract and a 2 acre tract which should be zoned commercial in the event this application is approved.  He said he had not had time to get the legal descriptions together to make that amendment for this meeting.
    Mr. Campbell asked how far this property is from the Home Depot intersection.  Mr. Schneider guesstimated the distance to be around one mile.
    Ms. Coble asked if this development is intended to serve the neighborhood, or if it would be a commercial development the surrounding neighbors could have easy access to.  Mr. Schneider said he did not think it was geared specifically to the neighborhood.  He thought the real question was did the City have a need to set aside some planned commercial land in northeast Columbia.  He thought the Home Depot area was a special case which, hopefully, would be radically changed by the extension of Ballenger.
    Karl Skala, 5201 Gasconade, said the Planning and Zoning Commission had rejected the previous request to rezone an even larger portion of this area.  He said several commissioners commented that adequate commercial property already exists with designations of C-P and O-P, both north and south of Clark Lane, and that further large scale commercial development in the area would be undesirable.  Mr. Skala said that much of the 8.2 acre tract borders the Hominy Branch greenbelt, eliminating some and compromising other prime residential properties, and consequently limiting prime access to rather scenic portions of the greenbelt.  Many of the homeowners purchased property in this area fully aware that satellite commercial development was not only planned and provided for, but was necessary to compliment the quality of life in their community.  Mr. Skala said residents could not have imagined that the profits driving the explosive growth in northeast Columbia would favor ever-increasing rental and commercial development at the expense of expanded single family residential opportunities.  Buffers of rental properties, that are in turn surrounded by increasingly redundant commercial ventures, does not serve to enhance the quality of life for any of its residents.  Mr. Skala was also concerned about traffic congestion.  He noted that Ballenger Lane is already a major school bus route and any additional traffic pressure would only exacerbate the problem, particularly with respect to the future development of the school property located just to the north and west of the subject tract.  Mr. Skala requested that the present zoning classification be retained.
    Mr. Janku asked if the removal of the R-2 request made Mr. Skala feel more comfortable.  Mr. Skala said that was a step in the right direction.  He said the Planning and Zoning Commission suggested there was adequate C-P zoning already provided for.  He added that all of the land between I-70 and the area in question was zoned for O-P.  Mr. Janku asked about the six acres directly to the west of the Meadowlands.  Mr. Skala said this land is located on Ballenger Lane/Route PP.  He said it is part of the Meadowlands and is an area designated for commercial development.
    Robert J. Young, 4406 Mexico Gravel, explained that the development would directly affect the people on Mexico Gravel because of the traffic situation.  He said residents in the area now use Mexico Gravel to get into town, instead of using the congested Route PP intersection.  He said if the interchange is developed on Ballenger, that would alleviate a good portion of the traffic.  However, Mr. Young was sure the long-range planning could be anywhere from five to seven years before being enacted.  He said this proposed development could be completed within the next two years.  Mr. Young also had concerns with the types of commercial that could be allowed.  For example, automobile repair facilities doing body work on vehicles would cause the release of volatile organic compounds into the atmosphere.
    Ms. Coble asked Mr. Young if he would be opposed to the amended plan.  Mr. Young thought he would, especially with the list of uses that could go in.
    Mayor Hindman asked Mr. Young if there were particular items he would want to see stricken from the list.  Mr. Young thought residents would be particularly opposed to auto repair facilities, which would also include auto dealerships because these businesses could have repair facilities and body shops.
    John Clark, 403 N. Ninth, thought he was hearing that the development plans were premature until the traffic issues and roadway issues had been dealt with.  He urged the Council to pay attention to the people who have built homes in the area and their quality of life issues.
    Mayor Hindman said there is a good argument for not approving the rezoning request until the infrastructure is in place to handle it, but then the neighbors would have no warning when and if rezoning occurs.  If the rezoning occurs five years from now, there would be the argument that people have built homes relying on the zoning that was already established.  Mayor Hindman said that did not seem fair.
    Mr. Clark said, as he understood it, there is a great deal of discussion about how to develop the infrastructure, not so much waiting for it to be built until a considerable amount of planning is finished.
    Cynthia Janaman, 4607 Timber Lane, said she was also hoping to rely on the zoning that was in place when she closed on her home in April.  She spoke to the Planning Department and they told her their sense of it was that there is plenty of multi-family dwellings in the area.  She was pleased to see that part of the request removed from the proposal.  She noted there is already the commercially zoned area between I-70 and Clark Lane, and the concerns about the traffic and the potential rezoning of residential property into commercial.  Ms. Janaman reported they had purchased their home with the idea there would only be single family dwellings.  She disagreed with the conclusion that only one neighbor would be affected by the rezoning.  Ms. Janaman said she lived two streets north of the day care; however, her neighborhood is affected by the traffic generated by it.  She requested that the property remain single family residential.
    Judy Johnson, 1516 McKee, was concerned about increasing the amount of commercial property at this location.  Commercial businesses were expanding more and more into the neighborhood, which created spot zoning.  She wanted to see the commercial property limited to the interstate where all of the traffic noise would be.  She said people in the Meadowlands were told $150,000 homes would be built to the south of them.  Mrs. Johnson asked who would build a home in that price range with commercial property next door.
    Mayor Hindman closed the public hearing.
    Mr. Janku made the motion that B262-97 be amended per the amendment sheet.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Coffman.
    Mr. Campbell reported he would oppose the amendment and the bill itself.  He said this area was designed primarily as a residential service area, not as a major shopping area.  He said the City did not know whether or not there would be access to the interstate, or when Ballenger Lane would be extended.  Mr. Campbell said if the crossing was constructed, it would provide access to a large amount of already commercially zoned land south of the interstate.  This would make a very different development pattern at this location.  Mr. Campbell thought the Council should look at the total commercial property that will be available for development in the area.  Secondly, the pattern of development in recent years had not been to the type of mall being proposed.  There are major malls and developments already within a relatively short distance, and the probability of having another major mall was very small.  By adding to this, Mr. Campbell said the Council would be encouraging the type of development that currently exists at Blue Ridge and 763.  He said the C-P plan does not require it to be developed in its entirety, it could be sold off as pads.  Mr. Campbell did not see a demonstrated need for the rezoning and the Council had clearly been shown by the neighbors that caution should be exercised in regards to changing the plans upon which these residents have made their decisions.
    Mr. Janku thought in the long-term, there would be a lot more residential development in this area, particularly to the north.  Residents will need some sort of shopping area in which they would not have to cross over 63 and I-70.  For these reasons, this would be an attractive location for the proposed type of commercial development.  Mr. Janku said this rezoning would be a planned development requiring landscaping and site approval.  He pointed out that Crossroads had been developed prior to the City's landscaping and parking lot standards.  He thought this development had the potential of being relatively attractive.  Mr. Janku did have concerns about some of the potential uses that could be allowed, and added that he would like to look at restricting some of them.
    Mr. Campbell pointed out that the present location would permit a grocery store and other small shops.  He said there could be a neighborhood-type of development on the presently zoned C-P land.
    Mr. Coffman thought the applicant had said there was not necessarily a strategy for this C-P plan to be a neighborhood development.  He agreed that there is a need for it at this location.
    Mayor Hindman stated in reality, and in trying to project ahead, when Ballenger Lane crosses I-70 and an interchange is established, the infrastructure would have been built in a very congested area.  In that respect, this is a natural area for any commercial development, even though it is a short distance off the road which could pose a possible problem.  Mayor Hindman said he would hate to see any kind of commercial development in the area at this time because the infrastructure just could not handle it.
    Mr. Campbell said the Mayor had spoken previously about the development between Warrenton and St. Louis.  Mayor Hindman said this is a strip mall along the highway.  He said his personal theory was that commercial zoning should be restricted to areas around intersections, not along the service roads.  Mayor Hindman took Mr. Campbell's point to be that this development would be located some distance from I-70.  He thought that was a good point.  Mr. Campbell said the rule of thumb on highway development was that it must be within sight of the interstate in order for it to have a major impact on interstate traffic.
    Mr. Janku said in terms of developing a quality shopping area where one could avoid the 63 area, this is the best location.  He was afraid that if this area was not developed as such, residents would literally have to drive into the 63 area and across I-70 to get to some decent size shopping.
    Mr. Campbell asked about the size of the presently zoned C-P area.  Mr. Hancock said it was approximately 12 acres.  Mr. Campbell asked about the size of Broadway Shopping Center.  Mr. Hancock said it was about 16 or 17 acres.  Mr. Campbell's point was that something similar in size to the Broadway Shopping Center could be developed on property currently zoned C-P, without any additional land.
    Mr. Janku reiterated that Broadway Shopping Center could not be developed the same way today as had occurred years ago.
    Mr. Kruse said his inclination was to not support this rezoning request either way, and asked whether the Council could send the issue back to the Planning and Zoning Commission.  He stated because of the amendment, this is not the same proposal that came before the Commission that generated such a heated discussion and a split vote.  Mr. Campbell said the Council could do that; however, he had watched that particular Planning and Zoning meeting and read the minutes and there had been absolutely no hesitation in denying the rezoning.  Mr. Kruse argued that the Commission would be looking at a different proposal.  Mr. Campbell said that was true, but the Commission had not thought any more commercial was needed at this location.
    Ms. Coble reminded everyone that the applicant had put forth a plan in response to the concerns that were raised at the Planning and Zoning meeting.  She would be in favor of amending the bill and allowing an opportunity for more public comment.
    Mr. Janku said he would like to propose some restrictions, with the automobile repair facility being one.  Other restrictions might include coin operated car washes and hotels.  The area needed something like a Crossroads that has a good mix of tenants and would be convenient to the growing residential area.  Mr. Janku reported if a good commercial development is not allowed here, he did not think it could exist anywhere else in this area of town.
    Mr. Coffman thought Mr. Janku made a good point.  He said this kind of development would be beneficial and would serve the people in the neighborhood well.  However, he did not know that kind of vision existed in this case.  Mr. Coffman said he could not vote in favor of the rezoning unless he had a better idea of what would go into the area.
    Mr. Kruse liked the idea of neighborhood commercial and tended to think that would be comprised of a 10 to 15 acre area.  He said he was struggling with whether or not 20 acres was appropriate.  Mr. Kruse said he could support the amendment, and reserve judgment on the total package until it was reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
    In terms of restricting uses, Mr. Janku asked at what point could the Council propose something.  Mr. Boeckmann said the bill could probably be amended when it was returned to the Council.  Mr. Campbell thought the Council should get the Commission's guidance on what a restricted list would consist of.
    The motion to amend B262-97, made by Mr. Janku, seconded by Mr. Coffman, was approved by voice vote.
    The Council agreed to send this request for rezoning to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their recommendation.  The Council asked the Commission to look at the uses and the new acreage.  Mr. Campbell wanted it understood that the Commission has all options open to them -- it is not suggested that the Commission has to make a package acceptable to the Council.
    Mr. Kruse made the motion that the issue be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Janku and approved unanimously by voice vote.
    There was a discussion about whether or not to continue the hearing.  It was decided it would have to be readvertised.

R151-97     Proposed Amendment to the Consolidated Plan and the Proposed FY98 Action Plan.
    The resolution was read by the Clerk.
    Mr. Beck explained that several years ago HUD requirements were changed so that the City must submit an annual proposed amendment to the Consolidated Plan.  In addition, the City needs to submit to HUD and the state clearing house the proposed Action Plan for fiscal year funding as it relates to Community Development Block Grant money and HOME funds.  This year, Mr. Beck said the City anticipated receiving approximately $1 million.  Again, the application process for this funding had been amended by HUD.  The City will now have to submit a plan for the anticipated $1 million in new monies, as well as for the $250,000 in funding that had been allocated in previous years (due to the revised plan submitted to the Council prior to the adoption of the budget).  Before the Council tonight, is a page out of the budget which indicates the proposed allocation of funding.  This is reflected as the Action Plan.  In addition to the $1,250,000, an anticipated $472,000 in HOME funds will be available.  The hearing tonight will focus on the list of projects shown in the Action Plan, which was patterned after what was allocated in the budget.
    Mr. Beck reported the potential of funding for the Boone Home is part of the Action Plan.  The suggested funding of $250,000 toward the Boone Home is not necessarily primarily for the purchase, but for both the purchase (which would be negotiated from City appraisals) and preservation of the property.
    Mr. Beck stated there had been code violations revealed in the Boone Home that had raised some concern.  In conversations with a City inspector, it was now thought that the entire roof would not have to be replaced.  Mr. Beck said the problem of the leakage into the building was from the flashing and that sort of thing around the outside.  Most of the violations were associated with electrical rewiring.
    Mr. Beck reported he is attempting to address the external preservation of the structure.  One strategy the Council might consider is to hold and preserve the Boone Home until some other group in the community, or the community itself, makes a determination as to what will happen to the building.  He said if the City decided not to go forward, the only funds expended would be the amount used for the preservation.  Mr. Beck said he at no time suggested that the City proceed with the acquisition of the property through eminent domain in the event the seller refuses to negotiate.
    Mr. Beck stated if the Council decided to submit the Boone Home as a part of the Consolidated Plan, the next step would be for the Council to forward the Consolidated Plan and an Action Plan to HUD in St. Louis.  There would then be a 30 day period for public comment, and the City would be asked to respond to any comments
    Mr. Beck said the Council was aware the City is working towards establishing educational, museum-type facilities in the Central Business District.  He said purchase of the Boone Home has the potential of being a part of those plans, if the community backing is in place to make it successful.  It has also been questioned whether the City intended to own and operate this museum.  Mr. Beck said he had never suggested that the City act as administrator of the project for the long-term.  He thought what the City could do was assure that the home is held and preserved, and to work with the community in developing a plan and vision for the operation.
    Mayor Hindman opened the public hearing.
    Lucille Salerno, 806 Bourn, explained that rag time was created in Missouri largely because the state had the best and greatest contributors to it.  She noted that an enormous contributor to folk rag time had been John William Boone.  She said for the last several years the state has had exceedingly successful rag time concerts without a base.  She said thousands of people come from all over the world to experience the greatest rag time festival in Sedalia -- also without a base.  She asked the Council to not focus on the many violations in the Boone Home, but rather envision how it could be transformed into something that breaths Missouri's music.  Ms. Salerno urged the Council to see the big picture.
    Ray Brasser, 1857 El Centro, spoke about the economy and the Blind Boone Home.  He said questions had been raised as to the economic responsibility of the project.  Mr. Brasser reported that restoration and development of the Boone House into a heritage center or museum offers long-term economic opportunities for the citizens of Columbia, Boone County, and the State of Missouri.  Mr. Brasser believed this project was economically responsible because historic preservation, public support for the arts, and celebration of cultural and ethnic diversity are all compatible with economic development.  He read information from an article by Donovan Ripkima, The Economics of Preservation.  In the article it was stated that "historic preservation has enormous positive impact on local economies and should be at the core of long-range economic development strategies".  In addition, "historic preservation helps out local economy by increasing the tax base, increasing loan demand, enhancing property values, generating sales of goods and services, and creating jobs".  The article said that historic preservation had been the key element in every successful downtown revitalization the author had seen.  Mr. Brasser noted that several days ago the state legislature recognized that historic preservation and economic development are compatible.  He said it was voted to establish a new historic preservation incentive which provides tax credits for 25% of the cost of restoration of National Register properties.  This property would qualify as one of those.
    Greg Olson, 217 W. Broadway, explained that one of the things he does for a living is develop, plan, and fabricate and install museum exhibits.  He recently visited some of the new museums built in Kansas City's 18th and Vine district.  Mr. Olson could see a real parallel developing with the Boone Home situation.  He thought perhaps the City could learn from some of the mistakes that had been made in Kansas City.  In one instance, Kansas City allowed the Gem Theatre, a great historic resource, to deteriorate to the point where it could not be saved.  Restoration consisted of using a prop for the front of the structure, and to build a brand new theatre behind it.  Mr. Olson said the Boone Home is an important link to the City's history and a situation should not occur in which the home would have to be reconstructed.
    Tony Holland, 306 W. El Cortez, said Columbia is a beautiful city, but has not maximized its opportunities as far as historic tourism is concerned.  He said this house could be a very important contributor to making the City of Columbia a source of historic tourism.  Mr. Holland reported it would also offer a unique educational opportunity for all Columbians.
    Mariel Stephenson, 2111 Rock Quarry Road, spoke on behalf of her mother, Mamie Stephenson.  She said many years ago her mother advocated and worked very hard to try to acquire the Flat Branch region, which is now proposed as the MKT trailhead.   Ms. Stephenson said her mother wants the City to do everything  possible to preserve the Boone Home as a piece of history.
    Jeanette Jefferson, 1409 Paris Road, explained that she was a member of the Frederick Douglass Coalition and Chairperson of the Health Committee.  She said this group's late and beloved President, Pete Hern, knew he was very ill and that he would probably not be able to comment again about a cultural center for African American heritage.  Ms. Jefferson reported Mr. Hern had asked her to write something on his behalf, and she is present to fulfill that promise.  She asked the Council to support the purchase of a Black Culture Center.  She said black Boone Countian's tributes are not adequately represented at the Historical Society.  She asked the Council to help demonstrate to their children and grandchildren reasons they have for cultural pride.  Ms. Jefferson reported the group envisions black history programs and plays with their children as the stars, as well as a reading room devoted to history and contributions by African Americans.
    Mayor Hindman closed the public hearing.
    Mr. Kruse said he planned to support the amended plan.  He said the Council had lengthy discussions regarding the plan at previous meetings.  His assumption was that there was a consensus that the amendment be approved, which would include the allocation toward the purchase and initial restoration of the Boone property.  He said the points made this evening were well taken and there were many good reasons, economic and otherwise, to move forward with it.
    Mr. Campbell agreed with Mr. Kruse and most of the speakers. He thought it would be a rich addition to the heritage of Columbia, and would make a good contribution to some of the plans the City is considering for a cultural center.  He thought it would be an excellent step forward.
    Mr. Janku also intended to support the resolution.  He said at this point, it was somewhat difficult to envision what the Boone Home could become.  He said the project has the potential to do a lot for the community, although it may take some time to develop.  It would be similar to what has developed on the Nifong property the City acquired.
    Mayor Hindman said he was very much in support of the Boone Home project and felt it has a great deal of potential for the City of Columbia.  He thought it was very well-located for what the City is attempting in the Flat Branch Creek area.  Mayor Hindman said the potential was enormous and he felt the City had a responsibility to at least acquire and preserve the home.  After which, Mayor Hindman said wide-ranging discussions could occur as to what exactly would be done with the property.
    Ms. Coble said she had been a supporter of this project from the beginning.  She said there are a couple of other issues in the Amended Plan that also deal with life in the First Ward that she wanted to discuss.  Ms. Coble pointed out that she could not recall anyone speaking in opposition to the use of CDBG funds for the preservation of the Boone Home.  She said there was an extensive amount of support throughout the community for the project.
    Ms. Coble stated in regards to the rest of the Action Plan, under the Public Works section where there is a $45,000 allocation for the Ash Street construction, she asked if it might not be more appropriate to call it what it is.  This is a project to provide sidewalks, curbs, and gutters along a portion of Ash Street -- which is not actually a street.  Ms. Coble reported the proposal to push through a street was not well received by any member of that particular neighborhood, and she was very supportive of their wishes.  Ms. Coble was concerned that the City is not labeling the project what it is.  She proposed that the wording be altered to reflect what the actual project is --  curbs, gutters, and sidewalks through a portion of City-held land parallel to the new fire station.
    Mayor Hindman noted that the project description in the documents called it construction of sidewalks within existing Ash Street right-of-way, between Tenth Street and Orr Street.  Ms. Coble said that may be true, but that was not the description on all of the other documents.  Ms. Coble asked if the project would be worded as Ash Street construction.  Mr. Hancock said the project description would be worded as sidewalk construction.
    Mr. Janku assumed the Council would have the opportunity to review any plans.
    Regarding the Alton Avenue storm drainage project, Ms. Coble asked whether the City had ever received clarification on when the first course of action was to use CDBG funds for stormwater and drainage systems, instead of using funds from the stormwater utility fund.  Mr. Patterson explained that this program was not one of the ballot issue projects and, therefore, the stormwater utility funds were never programmed to be available for it.  He said the project was identified as a definite need in the area, and the City had begun the process of programming CDBG funds.  Mr. Patterson reported that if the CDBG funds were not used for a plan of this nature, then this project would compete for stormwater funds that had been allocated to the entire community.
    The vote on R151-97 was recorded as follows:  VOTING YES:  KRUSE, COFFMAN, HINDMAN, COBLE, JANKU, CAMPBELL.  VOTING NO:  NO ONE.  ABSENT:  CROCKETT.  Resolution declared adopted, reading as follows:

(A)     Installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Tenth and Rogers.
    Report A was read by the Clerk.
    Mr. Beck noted that this was a plan that the Public Works staff had been working on with Columbia College.  The estimated project cost is $90,000, with Columbia College proposing to use $10,000 of their funds as a partnership project with the City.  The remainder of the funding would come from the one-quarter percent sales tax.  Mr. Beck explained that the College had requested that this hearing be continued to the November 3, 1997, meeting.
    Mr. Patterson said everyone is anxious to get this project underway, but in reviewing some of the initial plans, the College had some concerns about how the traffic lights would impact the appearance of the entrance to the College.  He said the College wanted to prepare a graphical representation of the project in order to get a better visual image of it.  Mr. Patterson said the staff saw no need to oppose the request.
    Ms. Coble was pleased there were concerns about protecting the historic integrity of the entranceway.
    Mayor Hindman said the College is currently landscaping their parking lot.  He said their efforts are commendable.
    Mayor Hindman opened the public hearing.
    John Clark, President of the North Central Neighborhood Association, thanked and applauded the College for their recent planning processes.  He said the College had increased their awareness of the impact on their surroundings.  He said residents were very interested in the traffic lights as there had been a number of mishaps at this location.
    Mr. Janku made the motion that Item A be continued to the November 3, 1997, meeting.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Campbell and approved unanimously by voice vote.
    Mayor Hindman continued the public hearing to the November 3, 1997, meeting.

B220-97     Establishing a scenic roadway area on Rock Quarry Road from Stadium Boulevard to the
                    south City limits.
    The bill was read by the Clerk.
    Mr. Beck explained that the ordinance, as submitted, had come to the Council on a 5-4 vote from the Planning and Zoning Commission.  Since the Council's public hearing, there had been a work session on the proposal.
    Mr. Campbell commented that he had been contacted by a resident who farms in the area and would like to rebuild his fence.  He asked whether this would be permitted.  Mr. Hancock said that was a good question and there was no mention of fencing in the ordinance.
    Mr. Kruse said he was going to make a motion to refer the issue back to the Planning and Zoning Commission, requesting that they look at changes to the ordinance and/or the code to allow existing structures to remain and be rebuilt if they fall within the 220 feet or the 50 foot vegetative buffer.  Mr. Kruse thought the intent of the ordinance was to permit existing structures to remain and be rebuilt.  Mr. Campbell thought the Council had also agreed that the height restriction would be eliminated.   Mr. Kruse said that was correct.  Mr. Campbell said he would also like for the Commission to clarify the fence issue.
    Mayor Hindman called for public comment with none received.
    Mr. Coffman said the Council had additionally decided to ask the Commission to clarify where the scenic buffer would begin, i.e., the center of the road or the easement.  It was his hope the issue would come back as quickly as possible to allow some form of protection for the road.
    Mr. Kruse made the motion that B220-97 be sent to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their review.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Janku and approved unanimously by voice vote.
    Mr. Janku asked whether this bill would be brought back as a package along with the new ordinance.  Mr. Coffman said the Planning and Zoning Commission would also look at revising the scenic road ordinance.  Mr. Kruse assumed the scenic road ordinance would be amended relative to the height restrictions, and then the non-conforming use issue.  He said another ordinance would be needed to apply the scenic designation to Rock Quarry Road.

B229-97     Confirming the contract for construction of a flood intake structure at Wetland Treatment
                    Unit 3, and appropriating funds.
    The bill was read by the Clerk.
    Mr. Beck said the Public Works Department was recommending that all of the bids be rejected.
    Mr. Patterson said the City had sent a formal request to FEMA seeking a one year extension on the funding so the project could be rebid.  He said a final decision on the request would not be received for at least a month or two.  Mr. Patterson thought it was best to defeat the ordinance because the bids were considerably higher than what staff felt they should have been in the first place.
    B229-97 was read with the vote recorded as follows:  VOTING YES:  NO ONE.  VOTING NO:  KRUSE, COFFMAN, HINDMAN, COBLE, JANKU, CAMPBELL.  ABSENT:  CROCKETT.  Bill defeated.

B250-97     Authorizing City Manager to execute an annexation agreement with Menu Maker Foods,
    The bill was read by the Clerk.
    Mr. Beck said there had been a few questions raised by the property owners and the staff had not heard back from them.  His suggestion was to table the issue once more, and attempt to get clarification from the property owner as to whether or not they want to proceed.
    Mayor Hindman made the motion that B250-97 be tabled to the October 20, 1997, meeting.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Janku and approved unanimously by voice vote.

B251-97     Amending Chapter 14 of the City Code regarding establishing an all-way stop at the
                    intersection of LaSalle Place and Pendleton Street.

B252-97     Amending Chapter 14 of the City Code regarding parking.

B253-97     Amending Chapter 14 of the City Code to make LaSalle Place a one-way street.

    The bills were given second reading by the Clerk.
    Mayor Hindman asked that the bills be read and discussed at the same time.  He noted that the Council would vote on each issue separately.
    Mr. Beck understood that Councilmember Coble and the police department had been working with the Neighborhood Association on some problems in the area.  He said these ordinances were prepared as a result of those meetings.
    Ms. Coble displayed a petition from the residents in the neighborhood and surrounding area who are in opposition to the proposal to make LaSalle Place a one-way street.  She said the original concerns made to her had to deal with drug sales occurring by non-residents in the neighborhood.  The petition states it is the intent of those who live in the neighborhood to welcome the new police substation in the area, and it is something they believe will resolve the problem.  Residents have also thought that the proposal as shown, in regards to LaSalle Place, would actually make things more difficult for those who live on Switzler and Pendleton streets.  Ms. Coble said she shared their concerns because the Housing Authority's plan is to restrict access into public housing off of Providence Road.  She said people would be driving around in circles and it would be very difficult for residents to get around their own block.
    In looking at some of the residences on Switzler, where parking would be restricted to one side of the street, Ms. Coble thought this would be acceptable, although she had a few concerns because some of the homes do not have driveways.  She said the same was true with Pendleton.  Ms. Coble did not think there was much concern from the residents about restricting parking to one side of the street or to the stop sign, but she said if people could not make a left turn off of LaSalle onto Switzler, there would also be a problem with traffic flow around the neighborhood.  She understood and appreciated the intent of those who are trying to come up with a solution to some identified problems in the neighborhood, but it was made clear to her that many problems stem from individuals who do not live in the area.  Ms. Coble proposed that if traffic rerouting is still required once the police substation is in place, then that might be the appropriate time to make LaSalle a one-way street.
    Chief Botsford noted that the police department responded to complaints not just from Ms. Coble, but also from residents in the neighborhood.  He said problems are not just related to narcotic sales.  There is a great deal of vehicle traffic at this location, and the police department tried to examine the overall pattern in an effort to see what might discourage and disrupt it.  Chief Botsford said his department spoke to virtually every person, both in public housing and private residences.  He reported that even though the change was not unanimously supported, it was the overwhelming recommendation from the residents to go with a plan like this.  Chief Botsford said he was perplexed by the reaction.  Ms. Coble said she had only received the petition this evening.
    Ms. Coble asked Chief Botsford if he felt part of the greater police presence in the area might also have an initial impact.  Chief Botsford said the vehicle traffic is sometimes so heavy on weekends that these individuals pay little attention, if any, to the police.  Ms. Coble said her concern was that it would route a lot of that traffic in through a neighborhood street with a lot of elderly and young residents.
    Mr. Kruse asked how many people had signed the petition.  Ms. Coble said there were 22 signatures on the sheet she received.  She said there was another petition on its way.
    Mr. Janku asked about tabling the issue in order to allow for more discussion amongst those involved.  Ms. Coble said that would be fine.  Chief Botsford said it was his belief the police department should never recommend anything to help conditions in a neighborhood if those residents are not in agreement.  He said staff would not have recommended any of these amendments had they known that was going to be the tone.
    Ms. Coble noted that the petition was not signed solely by those living on the affected streets.  She said she would speak with Chief Botsford to see if representatives of the neighborhood and tenants association could meet again for a final round of discussions.  Chief Botsford said that would be fine.
    B251-97 was given third reading with the vote recorded as follows:  VOTING YES:  KRUSE, COFFMAN, HINDMAN, COBLE, JANKU, CAMPBELL.  VOTING NO:  NO ONE.  ABSENT:  CROCKETT.  Bill declared enacted, reading as follows:
    B252-97 was given third reading with the vote recorded as follows:  VOTING YES:  KRUSE, COFFMAN, HINDMAN, COBLE, JANKU, CAMPBELL.  VOTING NO:  NO ONE.  ABSENT:  CROCKETT.  Bill declared enacted, reading as follows:
    Ms. Coble made the motion that B253-97 be tabled to the November 17, 1997, meeting.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Campbell and approved unanimously by voice vote.

B254-97     Amending Chapter 14 of the City Code regarding angle parking.
    The bill was given second reading by the Clerk.
    Mr. Patterson explained that this is a continuation of the downtown traffic improvement plan brought to the Council earlier this year.  He said direction had been given to proceed with replacing angle parking with parallel parking for the purpose of allowing two adequate width lanes in both directions from Waugh Street to College Avenue.  Currently, two lanes have already been shifted to allow for properly sized westbound lanes.  There is currently only one eastbound lane from College to Hitt Street.  The intent is to proceed with this action to reinstate the two eastbound lanes, which are east of Waugh Street.  Mr. Patterson reported Stephens College had been contacted and a letter was sent notifying them what the intent was.  He said no correspondence had been received in return, nor had any calls been received in opposition to the action.  Mr. Patterson said staff would proceed in accordance with the previously discussed plan if Council approves the ordinance.
    Mayor Hindman said he had a pedestrian concern.  He thought it was difficult to cross Broadway because of its width and the fact that there is no stop sign at Waugh Street on Broadway.  He said some pedestrian crossing ability would be helpful.  Mayor Hindman suggested that the City plan to construct some kind of protrusion that would stick out far enough from the extension of the Waugh Street sidewalk to create a narrower pedestrian crossing at Broadway.  He said if parallel parking is established and a protrusion is not constructed, some of the protection would be lost that pedestrians currently have for crossing Broadway.  The change in parking will make it just that much more difficult for people to get across the street.  Mayor Hindman said a planter would also be nice, but expensive.
    Ms. Coble assumed that most of the crossing that occurs is further down Broadway.  Mayor Hindman said it probably is not a very friendly crossing place so there is not as much crossing as there should be.
    Mr. Campbell questioned whether the Council should pass this ordinance and then ask for a staff report.  He wondered if perhaps a crosswalk should be located at Short Street because of the traffic coming out of the motel.  Mayor Hindman said there should probably be a crosswalk in both places.  Mr. Campbell thought the crosswalk or walks should be dealt with as separate issues.  Mayor Hindman said the minute parallel parking is established, it would be more difficult for people to cross Broadway.
    Ms. Coble said part of the issue concerns driver safety.
    Mr. Janku said this parking amendment is tied into the light going in at Hitt Street.  He asked if the street would be immediately restriped.  Mr. Patterson said staff has already restriped the west bound lanes.  He said without approving this amendment, there would only be one lane of traffic from Hitt Street to College.  Because of the restriping and the already heavy traffic movement in the area, any turning movements block traffic and two lanes will need to be returned to this location.  Mr. Patterson's recommendation is to proceed with this amendment, even if nothing else could be done, and then come back with a report with options available for putting in islands or some type of breaks.  Mr. Patterson did not think the City should encourage people to cross the street between intersections.
    Mr. Janku pointed out that this would be the site of the new school.  He said with young children in the area things could change.  Mr. Patterson said a loading/unloading zone will probably be requested, which will remove some of the parking at this location.
    Mayor Hindman said some of the buildings across the street have been purchased to be made into apartments.  He said it is likely there will be an increase in population.
    In view of the new school Mr. Janku mentioned, Mr. Campbell thought the issue is worth studying because the pattern could change as a result.
    Mr. Kruse said he is comfortable moving forward with the ordinance, but wanted to see a report.  Mayor Hindman agreed.
    B254-97 was given third reading with the vote recorded as follows:  VOTING YES:  KRUSE, COFFMAN, HINDMAN, COBLE, JANKU, CAMPBELL.  VOTING NO:  NO ONE.  ABSENT:  CROCKETT.  Bill declared enacted, reading as follows:

B255-97     Amending Chapter 14 of the City Code to establish all-way stops at the intersections of
                    Fifth and Ash and Tenth and Park Avenue.
    The bill was given second reading by the Clerk.
    Mr. Beck pointed out that these stops meet the Uniform Traffic Code warrant.
    B255-97 was given third reading with the vote recorded as follows:  VOTING YES:  KRUSE, COFFMAN, HINDMAN, COBLE, JANKU, CAMPBELL.  VOTING NO:  NO ONE.  ABSENT:  CROCKETT.  Bill declared enacted, reading as follows:

B257-97     Authorizing an agreement with Boone County for jury parking.
    The bill was given second reading by the Clerk.
    Mr. Beck explained that the City's initial agreement with the County Commission had been entered into approximately 10 years ago.  This had been at a time when there was a lot of available parking.  Now it was felt the agreement should be updated.  Mr. Beck reported the agreement had been reviewed and discussed by the Circuit Court and the County Commission and they supported it.  He said this agreement will increase the City's revenues slightly.
    B257-97 was given third reading with the vote recorded as follows:  VOTING YES:  KRUSE, COFFMAN, HINDMAN, COBLE, JANKU, CAMPBELL.  VOTING NO:  NO ONE.  ABSENT:  CROCKETT.  Bill declared enacted, reading as follows:

B259-97     Calling for bids for construction of sewers in Sewer District No. 138 (Route B).
    The bill was given second reading by the Clerk.
    Mr. Beck noted that this is a sizable project with an estimated cost of about $177,000, which would be paid for jointly by tax bills and from the sewer utility fund.
    Mr. Patterson pointed out that good news had been obtained this past week that would affect the cost of the project.  He said staff received a letter from Uponor ETI indicating they would be willing to furnish the pipe for the project at no cost.
    B259-97 was given third reading with the vote recorded as follows:  VOTING YES:  KRUSE, COFFMAN, HINDMAN, COBLE, JANKU, CAMPBELL.  VOTING NO:  NO ONE.  ABSENT:  CROCKETT.  Bill declared enacted, reading as follows:

B264-97     Authorizing an addendum to the Agreement for Public Safety Joint Communications
    The bill was given reading by the Clerk.
    Mr. Beck explained that this would allow a representative from the Southern Boone County Fire District to be a member of the Public Safety Joint Communication Committee.
    Ms. Coble asked if the provisions of 321.243, the Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri, define a fraction of a vote.  Mr. Boeckmann replied it did not.  She asked why a fraction of a vote would be allocated.  Mr. Boeckmann said when the Southern Boone County Fire District requested representation, they realized their contribution was so small and did not expect to have an equal vote.  He said the language was provided by the District, and it had been acceptable with everyone else.  Ms. Coble said she did not know of any way they could cast a fraction of a vote in any type of a discussion.
    Mr. Sanford explained that there is precedent involved.  He said the two ambulance services, University and Boone, have each had a half vote since they have been involved with the committee.  He said it had never really been an issue because most of the decisions are made by consent rather than by vote.  He said if there was ever an argument of some sort where the partial votes were actually called into question, it might be different.  He said they had not had that problem.
    Ms. Coble said she did not think a governing body should be doling out fractions of votes.  Mr. Boeckmann said it was a little strange, but that was what the District had asked for and everyone had been satisfied.
    Mr. Beck commented that it had taken a long time to arrive at this point, with or without fractions of votes.  He said he would like to see them try it.
    B264-97 was given third reading with the vote recorded as follows:  VOTING YES:  KRUSE, COFFMAN, HINDMAN, COBLE, JANKU, CAMPBELL.  VOTING NO:  NO ONE. ABSENT:  CROCKETT.  Bill declared enacted, reading as follows:

B265-97     Appropriating funds as an operating transfer from CDBG program income to the general
    The bill was given second reading by the Clerk.
    Mr. Beck said this bill was discussed earlier when considering replenishing the general fund with money from the rental rehabilitation account.
    B265-97 was given third reading by the Clerk with the vote recorded as follows:  VOTING YES:  KRUSE, COFFMAN, HINDMAN, COBLE, JANKU, CAMPBELL.  VOTING NO:  NO ONE.  ABSENT:  CROCKETT.  Bill declared enacted, reading as follows:

    The following bills were given second reading and the resolutions were read by the Clerk.

B256-97     Amending Chapter 18 of the City Code regarding firefighter pensions.
B260-97     Authorizing Change Order No. 1 and accepting the engineer's report on construction of
                    the Hardin-Mikel-Donnelly Drainage Project, Phase 1.
B263-97     Approving the final plat of Oak Forest, Block V-D.
R152-97     Authorizing agreement with Department of Health for nursing consultation to local child
                    care facilities.
R153-97     Authorizing agreement with Columbia School District for sidewalk and landscaping on
                    Silvey Street.
B154-97     Transferring funds from Public Works to Water and Light.
R155-97     Authorizing agreement with Department of Corrections for testing and immunizations.

    The bills were given third reading and the resolutions read with the vote recorded as follows:  VOTING YES:  KRUSE, COFFMAN, HINDMAN, COBLE, JANKU, CAMPBELL.  VOTING NO:  NO ONE.  ABSENT:  CROCKETT.  Bills declared enacted and resolutions declared adopted, reading as follows:

R156-97     Approving supplemental COPS Universal Hiring Program Grant.
    The resolution was read by the Clerk.
    Mr. Beck explained that the local share of these funds are in the budget.
    Chief Botsford said this is essentially the same grant the City received last year, which is for two additional officers.
    The vote on R156-97 was recorded as follows:  VOTING YES:  KRUSE, COFFMAN, HINDMAN, COBLE, JANKU, CAMPBELL.  VOTING NO:  NO ONE.  ABSENT:  CROCKETT.  Resolution declared adopted, reading as follows:

R157-97     Authorizing an agreement with the Chamber of Commerce for the 2000 by 2000 program.
    The resolution was read by the Clerk.
    Mr. Beck explained that this is a continuing program for which the City has been contracting with the Chamber of Commerce.  The purpose is for attracting retirees to Columbia.  Each year the City has budgeted $10,000 toward that effort.
    Vicki Dunscombe, 212 Bingham Road, President of the Chamber of Commerce, thanked the City for their past participation in the project.  She said it was another good example of cooperation between the City and business community.
    Ms. Coble asked about numbers of people relocating to Columbia.  Ms. Dunscombe said it was difficult to calculate because over 1,000 requests for information are received every year, but so many of the requests are from people who might be 10 years away from retirement.  She said this year there have been at least five that have visited and actually moved to Columbia because of the program.
    The vote on R157-97 was recorded as follows:  VOTING YES:  KRUSE, COFFMAN, HINDMAN, COBLE, JANKU, CAMPBELL.  VOTING NO:  NO ONE.  ABSENT:  CROCKETT.  Resolution declared adopted, reading as follows:

R158-97     Authorizing grant agreement with Department of Natural Resources for renovation of
                    Oakland pool.
    The resolution was read by the Clerk.
    Mr. Beck commented that the City had received a grant offer in the amount of $175,000 that requires Council approval.  He pointed out that this project had been on the ballot issue.  Mr. Beck reported the City does not have adequate funds to do all the improvements that had been planned for this particular pool.  He said this grant would be helpful in moving in that direction.  The local share of the 50% match would come from the one-quarter percent sales tax indicated on the ballot issue.
    Mr. Janku pointed out that the grant totals over $500,000.  He said it would provide welcome improvements.  He noted this grant had been competitive at the state level.
    The vote on R158-97 was recorded as follows:  VOTING YES:  KRUSE, COFFMAN, HINDMAN, COBLE, JANKU, CAMPBELL.  VOTING NO:  NO ONE.  ABSENT:  CROCKETT.  Resolution declared adopted, reading as follows:

R159-97     Authorizing an agreement with Missouri Association of Community Arts Agencies for
                    office sharing.
     The resolution was read by the Clerk.
    Mr. Beck said this was a good partnership arrangement that Ms. Hills had worked out with the State wherein the City would be subleasing 144 square feet, and sharing secretarial help and some other resources.
    The vote on R159-97 was recorded as follows:  VOTING YES:  KRUSE, COFFMAN, HINDMAN, COBLE, JANKU, CAMPBELL.  VOTING NO:  NO ONE.  ABSENT:  CROCKETT.  Resolution declared adopted, reading as follows:

R160-97     Expressing support for Columbia/MU Cultural Arts Center Planning Committees.
    The resolution was read by the Clerk.
    Mr. Beck commented that several community committees have been established to develop support for museum/cultural activities in the City, particularly in the central business district.  As a staff, he said they would like to have some kind of an indication as to their participation in working with the different committees.  Mr. Beck said Mr. Campbell had been the most active in helping set-up committees.
    Mr. Campbell pointed out that Mayor Hindman and Councilmember Janku were also members of the committees.  He said it was becoming broader based and would welcome anyone else that wanted to participate.  Mr. Campbell said he had the opportunity to meet with the Chancellor and his staff last week and they had been very excited about both the visual and the performing arts, with the possibility of building a substantial performing arts center somewhere in the Flat Branch area.
    The vote on R160-97 was recorded as follows:  VOTING YES:  KRUSE, COFFMAN, HINDMAN, COBLE, JANKU, CAMPBELL.  VOTING NO:  NO ONE.  ABSENT:  CROCKETT.  Resolution declared adopted, reading as follows:

R161-97     Authorizing an agreement with Freedom House to demolish two structures.
    The resolution was read by the Clerk.
    Mr. Beck explained that the City had allocated $10,000 toward this program in 1993.  He said the funds had been carried over and now that construction is ready to occur, staff is suggesting approval of the agreement.
    The vote on R161-97 was recorded as follows:  VOTING YES:  KRUSE, COFFMAN, HINDMAN, COBLE, JANKU, CAMPBELL.  VOTING NO:  NO ONE.  ABSENT:  CROCKETT.  Resolution declared adopted, reading as follows:

    The following bills were introduced by the Mayor, unless otherwise indicated, and all were given first reading:

B266-97     Approving final plat of Groshong Place.
B267-97     Approving final plat of Liberty Square, Block 3.
B268-97     Approving final plat of Woods Edge Subdivision, Plat 1.
B269-97     Rezoning from R-3 to C-1, property located on the east side of Providence Road, south of
                    Nifong Boulevard.
B270-97     Amending Chapter 6 of the City Code regarding National Electrical Code.
B271-97     Amending Chapter 6 of the City Code regarding Plumbing Code.
B272-97     Amending Chapter 6 of the City Code regarding Mechanical Code.
B273-97     Amending Chapter 6 of the City Code regarding CABO One & Two Family Dwelling Code.
B274-97     Amending Chapter 6 of the City Code regarding Property Maintenance Code.
B275-97     Amending Chapter 6 of the City Code regarding BOCA National Building Code.
B276-97     Amending Chapter 9 of the City Code regarding Fire Prevention Code.
B277-97     Amending the Major Thoroughfare Plan.
B278-97     Amending Chapter 2 of the City Code to add Article XI to codify the terms of the City's
                    self-insurance program.
B279-97     Amending the FY98 pay plan eliminating the position of Deputy Fire Chief and establish
                    the position of Assistant Fire Chief.
B280-97     Vacating a drainage easement in Rockbridge Subdivision.
B281-97     Vacating utility easements in Broadway Crossings and Wal-Mart Subdivisions.
B282-97     Vacating a utility easement in Broadway Farms Subdivision, Plat 3.
B283-97     Amending the Agreement with Highway and Transportation Commission for transit
                    operating assistance grant monies.
B284-97     Approving two Mid-Missouri Solid Waste District Financial Assistance Agreements to
                    purchase a grapple loader and chlorinated fluorocarbon recovery unit and appropriating
B285-97     Authorizing an agreement with Continental Consulting Engineers for back up generator
                    and appropriating funds.
B286-97     Authorizing an agreement with REW Materials to construct a railroad spur track; lease
                    COLT land to REW Materials; and appropriating funds.
B287-97     Accepting a conveyance from Marvin and Linda Sue Heishman.
B288-97     Authorizing an agreement with Allstate Consultants, P.C. for the design of Hinkson Creek
                    Trail Phase 1.
B289-97     Approving a replat of Lot 7 Windmill Corners Subdivision No. 2.
B290-97     Accepting a conveyance and authorizing payment of differential costs to upgrade 3"
                    water main serving Morris Subdivision.
B291-97     Accepting water utility conveyances.
B292-97     Authorizing an interconnection agreement with the Boone County Regional Sewer
                    District and waiving the annexation agreement requirement.
B293-97     Authorizing annexation agreements with Robert Conrad Developers, Inc., Scottish Rite
                    Temple Association, Inc., Gordan and Bonnie Burnam and James T. and Marilyn

(A)     Street Closure Request.
    Mr. Beck explained that this request was for the British Classic Automobiles in the Central Business District area to be held on May 31, 1998.
    Mr. Campbell made the motion to approve the request as submitted.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Coble and approved unanimously by voice vote.

(B)     Payroll Deductions for Charitable Contributions.
    Mr. Beck explained that the United Way is the only organization that City employees can contribute to through payroll deduction.  A poll was conducted within the last few years, at the request of the Council, wherein employees were surveyed regarding options.
    Mr. Beck stated Mr. Boeckmann developed a report at the Council's request as to what alternatives exist.  Referring to the survey done in the past, Mr. Beck said employees had not been necessarily supportive of it.  He said if charitable donations through payroll deduction is opened to other organizations,  he would be most concerned with the amount of administrative time that would be allowed to be spent in the work place.  Currently, there are meetings held regarding United Way in the work place.
    Mr. Coffman said he had requested this report and wanted to make it clear that he was not necessarily advocating the Missouri Environmental Fund over any other fund.  As an employee of the State, Mr. Coffman said he is given the opportunity to choose from hundreds of organizations for payroll deduction.  Mr. Coffman stated, however, he is very sensitive to what it is like to be an employee and feel concern about being pressured at work.  He said that was a lot of what he was reading in the survey.  It could not be overestimated the pressures that people might feel, real or not, to make contributions.  Mr. Coffman said he had some concerns with one charitable organization being singled out.  He suggested a written policy that would be non-discriminatory and would not apply to just one particular organization.  He understood the City does not have the resources that are available to the State to manage a huge list of charitable organizations.  Mr. Coffman thought it could be manageable if the City drafts a policy that just applied to charitable umbrella organizations in general.  He would like to see some proposal that tries to limit payroll deductions to organizations that cover a broad area of groups.
    Mayor Hindman asked how the State handles charitable giving.  Ms. Coble said it is handled through the Missouri State Employees Charitable Campaign.  She said a grant application had to be submitted and approved in order to be added to the list.  She said there were certain standards the organization has to meet, which includes a whole litany of qualifying information.
    Mr. Kruse said he would ask to abstain from any vote to permit the Missouri Environmental Fund to be part of the City's workplace giving program because the organization he works for is a member.  He said MEF is part of the state campaign, part of the City of St. Louis campaign, and is being considered in Kansas City and Jackson County.  He said Columbia would not be breaking new ground if they were to establish a policy that would allow a group like the Missouri Environmental Fund to be part of the work place giving program.
    Mr. Beck said he thought there would have to be good guidelines established or there could be a great deal of City staff time wasted, and it would not be fair to the employees who are out in the field.  He did not want the employees spending a lot of time trying to decide which organization they wanted to contribute to.  He did not think it was a good efficiency move as far as the operation of the City is concerned.  Mr. Beck was not aware of any other umbrella groups.
    Mr. Kruse said this is a policy issue and, while the Council certainly wanted to consider staff feelings, it is ultimately a policy decision.  He said the City is a public institution and he did not see how workplace giving could be limited to one charitable umbrella.  He said the City's legal counsel suggested that there is not necessarily any legal obligation to open it up, but as a matter of principle, Mr. Kruse said he had a problem with it.  He agreed with Mr. Coffman in that the City should not favor one group over all of the other potential opportunities for workplace giving that some employees may want to participate in.
    Mr. Campbell said the University is a public institution which, as far as he knew, was limited to United Way.  He did not know on what basis their decision had been made.  Mr. Kruse said the University is also being asked to participate in the Environmental Fund.  Mr. Campbell said he would like to have more information as to what the ramifications are.
    Mr. Kruse said the umbrella groups that are allowed participation in public institutions provide, and have provided to Columbia, some policy guidelines to establish criteria for contributions.  He pointed out that these are voluntary programs.
    Ms. Coble said it seemed only fair to have a policy that clarifies the type of organization, what the City's standards are, and that there be some type of procedure established for application.  She said that would mean some staff time would have to be assigned.  Ms. Coble did not think the City could institute a set number of umbrella organizations and then think it was more fair than the one choice is now.
    Mr. Janku said perhaps the City could use the State's verification of the different groups.  He would not want a staff person taking time to review and verify every group that submitted an application.  Mr. Kruse said one of the criteria could be that the organization has to be state certified.
    Mr. Boeckmann said that the state allows check-offs to individual charities.  He said that would be a pretty drastic change opposed to limiting payroll deductions to umbrella organizations.  He did not know that there is a competitor to United Way as far as traditional charities are concerned.  Mr. Boeckmann only knew of two environmental funds.
    Mr. Campbell said he did not think the Council had adequate information at this point, and he would like to see a policy developed and then have discussions from there.  Mayor Hindman agreed.  Mr. Boeckmann asked if environmental umbrella groups should be included in the first draft.  Mr. Coffman was not sure it should be limited to just one cause.  Ms. Coble asked why it should be just restricted to umbrella groups and not single groups.  Mr. Kruse said his preference would be umbrella groups that provide service in Columbia and the State of Missouri.  Mr. Campbell said he would feel more comfortable if it at least had local presence.  Mayor Hindman asked if the local United Way chooses the entities in Columbia that can receive funding from their organization.  Mr. Campbell said each program had to go through a review process.  Mr. Boeckmann said this was all handled locally.  Mr. Coffman suspected other cities had tackled this question and that there would be information to compare.
    Mr. Coffman made the motion that staff be directed to prepare a written policy.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Campbell and approved unanimously by voice vote.

(C)     Speed Limit Sign Beacons in School Zones.
    Mr. Patterson said staff members had been working with various area school district safety officials for over a year on a number topics.  One issue that had been discussed involved speeding and endangered pedestrians around the schools.  He said it is suggested by staff, and school officials concurred, to install flashing warning beacons with speed limit signs of 20 MPH when school is in session.  He said the cost would be about $5,000 per pair, with two beacons being required on each side of the school.  The suggestion is to install the first set of beacons at Smiley Lane because of the development in the area and the concerns raised about speeding.  In interviews with other cities, the feeling is that the beacons have been successful and well-received by school officials.  The staff is recommending that this be done as a pilot project.  Mr. Patterson said the project would be evaluated on the basis of speed studies previously conducted, and average speeds after installation.  He said staff would then submit a report to the Council as to whether or not it should be expanded to other areas within the community.
    Mr. Campbell asked what criteria had been used in selecting this particular location.  He said there were other schools he felt would have higher traffic areas, i.e., West Boulevard and Grant Schools.  Mr. Patterson said it was because of the repeated interest and the questions about four-way stops, as well as it appears to be a rapidly growing area.  He said seven or eight additional locations have been identified if it was felt the beacons serve their intended purpose.  Mr. Campbell asked if there was any indication that the speeds were higher that would warrant the beacons on Smiley Lane.  Mr. Patterson said there had been a speed study conducted at this location, which was not done for others.  A speed study had been performed at Oakland and  Smiley, and it was found there was a higher median speed here than the speed limit posted.
    Mr. Janku pointed out that warrants for four-way stops were not appropriate at Derby Ridge and Smiley and this was an alternative.  He said there is a stop light at Grant School on Broadway.  Mr. Janku thought this is a worthy experiment.   Mayor Hindman said when the beacons are flashing, he would like to see it indicated that if there is anyone in the crosswalk, cars would be required to stop.  Mr. Janku did not think there is a requirement for cars to stop when someone is in a crosswalk.  Mr. Patterson is not sure that it is a requirement for drivers to yield to pedestrians if it is not a controlled zone.  He said the City's experience had been that the traffic signals must be in place to indicate a stop at pedestrian crossings.  Mayor Hindman said he thought it would have to be properly marked and signed in advance.  Mr. Patterson said the City would also have to have ordinances in effect.
    Mr. Campbell said he would support this project, but asked Mr. Boeckmann to investigate what the City would need to pursue to require cars to stop when pedestrians are in a crosswalk.
    Mr. Janku made the motion to direct the staff to proceed with installation of flashing beacons on Smiley Lane on a trial basis.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Coble.
    Mayor Hindman asked to add to the motion that there be a warning to stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk.  The amendment to the motion was seconded by Mr. Campbell and approved unanimously by voice vote.
    The original motion, made by Mr. Janku, seconded by Ms. Coble, amended by Mayor Hindman, with amendment to the motion seconded by Mr. Campbell, was passed unanimously by voice vote.

(D)     Transfer of Funds Request.
    Report Accepted.

(E)     Feasibility of Credit Card Acceptance at Airport Parking Facility.
    Mr. Janku said he would be willing to concur with the staff recommendation that no further action be required given the fact that airport staff will work with individuals that come back without any money.  He thought the costs seemed high.
    Ms. Coble asked if there was an ATM machine at the airport.  Mr. Patterson said he did not think there was, but it was something the staff could look into.  Ms. Coble said most credit cards are accepted in ATM machines, and then that convenience would be available for travelers.  Mr. Patterson said staff would check into this option.

(F)     Proposed Crosswalk at Providence Road and Rollins Street.
    Mayor Hindman noted that this crosswalk would be the button type.  He pointed out that the State Highway requirement was that the City build a bulb out into the street.  Mr. Beck said it was a handicapped ramp between the sidewalk and crosswalk.
    Mr. Kruse said he was very pleased the Department of Transportation agreed to do this.  He said it reflects their increased flexibility and emphasis on pedestrian opportunities in the City's streets and highways.
    Mr. Janku said the City's appreciation should be expressed.  Mayor Hindman agreed.  He said it was another one of those locations where there is not a safe crossing between Stewart Road and Stadium.
    Mr. Kruse made the motion that the staff be directed to proceed.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Coble and approved unanimously by voice vote.

(G)     Potential Revision to Subdivision Regulations regarding Sidewalks.
    Mayor Hindman said this seems to solve a lot of problems where there are no sidewalks and no provisions for them.  He was concerned that it may be years before one of the identified streets is upgraded.  This will have the beneficial effect of placing the funds in escrow, but it might be years before a sidewalk is put in because grading will not be completed, yet there will still be a need for a pedestrian walkway.  Mayor Hindman asked that staff look into the possibility of constructing a temporary walk, and how that could be done with these funds.  He said there were two objectives; that the developer pays his fair share, and that pedestrian provisions are installed as quickly as possible after development occurs.  He said if this is followed, there would be the problem of double dipping -- once for the temporary walk and then again for the permanent walk.
    Mr. Janku questioned the amount the developer would be requested to pay. He asked if it would be the developer's cost, or a cost the City might be charged.  Mr. Janku wondered about an incentive for the developer.  Mr. Patterson said if the City built the walkway and was to pay the entire cost of the sidewalk, it would be on the prevailing wage basis of cost that the City would have to contract it under.  Mr. Janku asked about Bedford Walk where the variance was denied and the developer constructed, what he assumed was, a permanent walk.  Mr. Patterson said it is envisioned that the additional cost for the City to do this would be an incentive, as well as constructing alternative pedestrian walkways.  He said the City wanted to be sure that sidewalk construction is done at the time of development, and would not be something that would have to be torn out later and replaced.  He said it would almost require that the walkway be set back, and might require that it be somewhat of a meandering pedestrian walkway.  Mr. Patterson reported those would be the options a developer would have as opposed to putting the escrow money up.  Mr. Janku thought that would accomplish the desired results.
    Mayor Hindman said there is a request coming up for a waiver of sidewalks in one of the older parts of town where there is no sidewalk requirement.  Obviously, this makes a lot of sense if someone says they will be building on two lots and there would only be a sidewalk in front of these two lots.  He said it would probably be years and years before the City got around to constructing sidewalks in such a situation, if ever, depending upon neighborhood sentiments.  This allowed a windfall for one neighborhood, and then required others to put walks in.  Mayor Hindman suggested that when granting sidewalk waivers, the City should require the developer to contribute at least some money in a general sidewalk fund that could be used in another part of town, or to implement the general sidewalk program.  He did not think it was right for the developer to "get off the hook" this way.
    Mr. Boeckmann explained that typically in development, there is a couple of different ways to obtain money.  These include imposing some sort of a tax or impact fee.  He said he would avoid calling this either one because if it was a tax, it would not be uniform and that would cause problems.  Regarding the impact fee, Mr. Boeckmann said that could not be collected in one place and spent in another.  The concept is that the development is causing an impact on the community and it has to be paid for.  Mr. Boeckmann added that the impact fee has to be spent in a reasonable period of time on something that reasonably benefits the subdivision from which it was collected.
    Mr. Beck saw the question as being whether or not the City could have a development fee without having another Hancock-type situation.  He said if it could be included with the street development fee, it could be implemented uniformly.  Mr. Beck stated the question is, where does the City require everyone who is developing a new subdivision to put up an amount of dollars for sidewalks.  Assuming the money was in the fund, regardless of whether it is a meandering sidewalk or a permanent walk installed at a later date, the City could not ask for it twice.  Mr. Beck said for an unimproved street, if this is permitted, would be the time to charge a frontage fee, place these fees in a sidewalk fund, then the Council could make a decision on a project-by-project basis the cost benefit of putting in a temporary sidewalk.  Mr. Beck pointed out that people are still walking in the street regardless of sidewalks.
    Mr. Janku said the advantage of having the developer construct sidewalks is that the City would spend less money.
    Mayor Hindman recommended that this issue be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Janku and approved unanimously by voice vote.


    During budget discussions, there had been a request for some partial funding of a memorial park at Grant School.  Mr. Kruse said the Council had discussed the possibility of developing a policy for doing this in conjunction with the school board.  Mr. Boeckmann said it was in the works.
    Mr. Kruse said he had written to the Council about the possible need to revise the City's billboard regulations.  He said there is some work to do on it under HB831 as the City does not comply with the requirements to expand regulatory authority.   Mr. Kruse reported this is because there is not a City Engineer on the Planning Commission.  There was a question as to how to proceed.
    Mr. Boeckmann said the City Engineer, or a similar official, would have to be appointed to the Planning and Zoning Commission.  This could be done by the Council adopting an ordinance that would not have to go to the Commission first.  He said this would amend a section of the City Code that was not part of the zoning ordinance.  Mr. Boeckmann explained that would give the City the authority to regulate billboards under the recently passed statute.  Staff would then need to look at what was on the books because some of it goes beyond what the statute authorizes.
    Mr. Campbell said there were some important policy implications that should be addressed, but asked if the city engineer could be appointed to the Commission only for billboard related ordinances.  Mr. Boeckmann did not think that was possible.  He added that it had been on the books for a long time that the Mayor, a Councilmember, and the city engineer could be members of the Planning and Zoning Commission (does not apply to Constitutional Charter cities).  Mr. Boeckmann explained that the legislature was amended to not allow city engineers to be on the Planning and Zoning Commission because it was thought a staff person should not be voting on these types of issues.  He said there was probably merit to that.  When that statute was recently amended, Mr. Boeckmann said that was the vehicle that the Municipal League used to give cities the power to regulate billboards.  If a city engineer was appointed to the Planning and Zoning Commission, a City would have the ability to regulate billboards.  Mr. Boeckmann said he did not feel it would be consistent with the statute to put a city engineer on the Commission and then only allow this individual to vote on billboard related issues.  On the other hand, Mr. Boeckmann said it does not say this person has to attend every meeting.
    Mr. Janku asked how it would be determined who the city engineer is.  Mr. Boeckmann said the City Manager would probably make that determination.
    Mr. Coffman made the motion that staff be directed to prepare the necessary legislation for Council discussion.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Janku and approved unanimously by voice vote.
    Mr. Campbell requested a brief report on whether or not the City should implement a 311 system.  He explained it was a companion to the 911 system in which 311 is used for urgent, but not emergency-type numbers.
    Mr. Campbell stated he continues to receive calls about red light violations.  He said someone suggested cameras at some of the lights.  He asked for a report on the pros and cons of such a measure.
    Mr. Coffman brought up a traffic concern at Old 63 and Broadway.  Because of the configuration of the intersection, he said it is very difficult to make a left turn when on Broadway.  He said often people try to beat the oncoming traffic and make a sharp left turn.  Mr. Coffman said there were a lot of small fender benders and near misses at this location.  He pointed out that there are left turn signals at most every other major intersection of the City, and people ask him why there is not one here.  Mr. Coffman said he would like to see a report regarding the situation.
    Mr. Janku questioned if the landscaping ordinance applies to parking lots in downtown Columbia.  Mr. Kruse said the ordinance does not apply in C-2 zoning districts.  Mr. Janku said that would then include downtown.  He said the retrofitting of the Daniel Boone Building's parking lot looks great, as does the parking lot at the Trailhead park.
    Mr. Janku made the motion that the landscaping ordinance and the lack of its application in C-2 zoning districts be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their review and recommendations.  The motion was seconded by Mayor Hindman and approved unanimously by voice vote.
    Mayor Hindman said there were old signs that have not been removed from businesses that have been inoperative for more than six months, i.e., the Heritage House, and the Sinclair Station on West Boulevard.  He asked why the signs had not come down.  Mr. Patterson said those cases have been sent to court and the owners have been notified.  He said there may be some problems with the City's ability to prosecute them.  Mr. Boeckmann said there had been some problems with the signs that could possibly be remedied by changes in the ordinance.  He will look into it.  Mayor Hindman asked if the City could take the signs down.  Mr. Boeckmann said he would report back.
    Mr. Campbell asked about illegal parking fines and whether or not they could be raised.  He felt fines are so low that they are being ignored.  Mr. Boeckmann said he would check into it.
    Henry Lane, 1816 E. Broadway, explained an error he had found in his utility bill under the 3% load management discount.  His point was that the minimum discount was one dollar and his bill had only reflected 29 cents.  He said the utilities, accounts, and billing office had told him there was a computer problem and they would give him a credit.  Mr. Lane also pointed out a discrepancy on B290-97 involving a differential payment of $13,600.  He said the appropriation was in project 10, but the cost would be charged to project 71.
    Mr. Coffman thanked Mr. Lane for pointing out the computer problem.  He explained that the City is moving to a new system and that there may be glitches that staff has not yet found.  He thanked the Finance Director for all of her efforts in pointing out errors and correcting them.  He was hopeful the staff would continue to do what needs to be done.
    Aasim Inshirah, 407 Hickman Avenue, explained that he spoke before the Council in the early spring about a handcuffing incident his son had witnessed involving a child.  He said at the time when the officers were questioned about it, they had replied that they were just playing with the children.  He said his son had complained to the Police Department and had received a letter from the Captain involved who basically thought this was a good community policing practice, and a positive interaction between children and the Police Department.  Mr. Inshirah said he was surprised to see in the Idea section of the Missourian, a picture of two boys, one handcuffed, appearing to be about six years old.  The picture also showed an officer appearing to be unlocking the handcuffs.  Mr. Inshirah had thought last year this had been an isolated incident, but this picture made him believe this to be a common practice which he objected to.  He thought it was improper practice on the part of the Police and asked that the practice be stopped because he felt it brings about disrespect for law enforcement officers.  Mr. Inshirah asked the Council how this practice could be stopped.
    Ms. Coble said she understood the proper and true function and purpose of what handcuffs are for in terms of a law enforcement tool, but said she knew there was a lot of curiosity by the children.  She said even if it was a policy, she felt the children would still be interested in it, probably not perceiving all the meaning adults would place on it.
    Mr. Inshirah did not think the children were being hurt, but he said there was a possibility they could be.  He said to handcuff a child without parental consent was totally irresponsible on the part of the Police.  He said children are curious and they might next ask to use the pepper spray or a gun.  Mr. Inshirah asked what could be done to stop the practice.
    Chief Botsford said he understood Mr. Inshirah's position, but he did not agree with it.  He said Mr. Inshirah received a response by the police department, and did not agree with the answer.  He said this was part of the police trying to communicate, and added that they are Partners in Excellence with one of the schools and go to all of the children's events.  Chief Botsford said children have a natural curiosity about handcuffs.
    Mayor Hindman said this is a case of two differing opinions.
    The meeting adjourned at 11:45 p.m.

                                                                                                 Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                                 Penny St. Romaine
                                                                                                 City Clerk